Cigarette smoke contains carcinogenic substances, called carcinogens. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and emphysema (
serious lung disease). People who smoke also are at increased risk >> << for the development of other cancers, heart disease and chronic lung disease. In
Only in the United States, smoking causes about
500 000 premature deaths per year. Cigarette smoke is called mainstream smoke inhalation directly
from cigarettes. Sidestream smoke is smoke that is released from the burning cigarette and exhaled >> << from the lungs of smokers. Sidestream smoke
known as tobacco smoke or passive smoking. Passive smoking >> << inhaling smoke or nonsmokers, according to
responsible for about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer each year. Nonsmokers
effects of passive smoking and are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases
. More than 4,000 different chemicals present in cigarette smoke. Many of qi
are carcinogenic or can cause changes in the genetic material of cells >> << that may lead to cancer. Cigarette smoke contains
nicotine, an addictive carcinogenic chemicals and resins. In addition,
Smoking produces carbon monoxide, which has the effect of reducing the number of
oxygen in the blood. When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the chemicals it contains rapidly absorbed
lungs and into the blood. With blood
these chemicals pass into the brain, heart, kidney, liver, lungs,
gastrointestinal tract, muscle and adipose tissue. In pregnant women
cigarette smoke crosses the placenta and may affect fetal development >>. << There is a close relationship between the length of time a person smokes,
number of cigarettes smoked every day person, and development
, smoking related diseases. Simply put, the more a person smokes, the more it
more likely to suffer side effects. Cigarette smoke weakens blood vessels and raises blood cholesterol levels >> << that may lead to atherosclerosis (a disease in which fatty material
stored in the walls of the arteries). This can lead >> << coronary arteries narrow, increasing the risk of heart attack, in connection with
violation of blood flow to the heart. Smoking also increases the risk of stroke
, (blood clot or rupture of an artery of the brain). In addition to lung cancer, smoking can cause cancer of the mouth, throat
voicemail, esophagus, stomach, cervix and bladder. How
alcohol, smoking causes 75 percent of all mouth and throat cancer. People who tend to develop cancer due to hereditary factors >> << disease may develop faster if they smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of lung disease in the United States and results
deaths from pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, emphysema, and
airway obstruction, chronic. Smoking increases the production of mucus in the lungs
and destroys cilia, tiny structures that normally sweep piliform
dust from the lungs. Nicotine in cigarette smoke leads to the release of chemicals in the brain called dopamine
. When the level of dopamine in the brain
increased, the person experiences feelings of extreme pleasure and satisfaction
. To maintain this sense, the level of nicotine in >> << body should remain constant, a smoker becomes dependent on the good >> << feelings caused by the release of dopamine and thus becomes lasix generic online dependent on nicotine> ;> <<. . << >>
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