Friday, February 24, 2012

In addition, some studies have shown that ...

Osteoporosis is asymptomatic disease in which bones become porous and weak, thus becoming more prone to fractures. Ostepenia lasix 30 mg means less bone loss than osteoporosis. However, if you have osteopenia, you are more likely to develop osteoporosis. The bones of the pelvis, spine, hips, wrists and hands are the most vulnerable. There are usually asymptomatic until after the diagnosis after the fracture. Better to know to prevent this! Women who have had breast cancer may be at greater risk because of several factors such as early menopause, chemotherapy, hormonal and treatments. Chemotherapy drugs such as doxorubicin and methotrexate can lead to early menopause. In early menopause, estrogen levels decrease. Because estrogen has a protective effect on bone tissue, lower levels can lead to bone loss. In addition, breast cancer stimulates the cells that destroy bone called osteoclasts. Hormonal drugs such as tamoxifen have been shown to decrease bone density in premenopausal, but also increase bone density in post menopausal women. In addition, some studies have shown that aromatase inhibitors such as Anastrozole or Letrozole may cause bone loss. Other risk factors include small size, with some drugs are not getting enough calcium, advanced age, family history, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption. Lifestyle Management Your doctor may prescribe several drugs, including calcitonin, SERMS or bisphosophonates.complications of emphysema However, we will focus on other approaches to this article. 1) Osteoporosis Testing Ask your doctor if you are a candidate for the DEXA test that measures bone density in various places in the body, including the hip and lumbar spine. This will determine if you are at risk and where. It is important to know. 2) Improve overall health, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to help improve your well-being. 3) Eat a diet with a well balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, including dark green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach) and low fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese) There are many products, calcium fortified orange juice including grain. Be sure to see the dietician if you have other medical problems or dietary problems. In addition, the Institute of Medicine recommends 1000 mg. calcium for men / women aged 19 to 50 years, which increased to 1200 mg. When more than 50 years. Vitamin D is recommended at a temperature of 800-1000 IU per day. Contact your doctor if you have osteopenia / osteoporosis and fall in the younger age group. 4) Exercise-C bone tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger, weight bearing exercise is best, if at risk. This includes running, skipping, climbing, lifting weights and aerobic dance. These exercises, which make the body work against gravity. While swimming a great exercise for survivors of breast cancer is not weight bearing. Accordingly, weight lifting and weight bearing exercise 2-3 times a week is recommended, along with balance training prevent falls. Aerobic exercises such as running, jumping and crossing it is recommended to prevent osteoporosis. The best research (University of Arizona Estrogen bone strength, 2004) recommends a wall squat, military press, leg press, seated row and back extensions to build. In addition, flexibility exercises for chest, thighs and upper back are important in preventing and improving posture. If you have osteoporosis / osteopenia avoid sudden movements of the high such as jumps and perform treadmill walking (on the slope, if possible). If the risk of lymphedema, start with light weights (see the rehabilitation of breast cancer). 5) Contraindicated Exercise-If you have osteopenia / osteoporosis should avoid such exercises. They include exercises that pull, flex (turn to the body) and twist the neck and spine. For example, squats, cakes and spinal twists (Pilates), a plow and a dove (yoga) and those that are not recommended. If you participate in a Pilates or yoga, which is an excellent balance and stability of the kernel, be sure to notify the instructor. Ask about changes to posture as a preventive measure. Abdominal strengthening should be performed without removing the neck and shoulders off the floor. Best consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. Rehabilitation professional, such as occupational / physical therapist familiar with the consequences of breast cancer treatment can create a safe exercise program for you. Exercise is essential as the prevention of breast cancer and recovery. If you have osteopenia / osteoporosis to remember that prevention is essential to this'' silent'' disease to keep you go into recovery. Be sure to have a doctor's permission before starting this or any exercise program. Links best exercise program for prevention of osteoporosis (2004), University of Arizona DSWFitness Tucson, Arizona

cancer and osteoporosis resources to see if you are at risk of osteoporosis, please

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